Student Resources
Career Preparation
The coursework for the Communication Sciences & Disorders undergraduate program is designed to prepare you to pursue professional and graduate work, including a graduate degree in speech-language pathology or audiology. A graduate degree in either field of communication disorders is required for professional licensure as a SLP or Audiologist.
The preferred pattern of enrollment in the program is completion of at least the last two years of the Bachelor of Arts degree at UND with an undergraduate major in Communication Sciences and Disorders. You then will have completed about 60 semester hours of major coursework and the required supporting courses and practicum when you apply for admission to a graduate program. The master’s degree typically requires about two years of study beyond the Bachelor of Arts degree.
Work with Adults and Children
CSD Courses
CSD 103. American Sign Language I. 3 Credits.
This course will introduce American Sign Language (ASL), including practice with basic conversation, basic vocabulary, grammatical forms, spatial relations, fingerspelling, and numbering. F,S.
CSD 104. American Sign Language II. 3 Credits.
This course will advance students' expressive and receptive skills in the use of ASL. Students will develop expanded vocabulary and learn additional conversational and narrative skills. Prerequisite: CSD 103. F,S.
CSD 105. Introduction to Deaf culture. 3 Credits.
This course will introduce the Deaf culture to expand student's understanding of this linguistic minority and how it functions in the broader context of our society. It will explore various aspects of Deaf culture including its history, norms, values, art, traditions, and contemporary issues. F,S.
CSD 223. Phonetics. 3 Credits.
This course provides knowledge and skills in English phonetics. Students learn to produce, recognize, and transcribe English speech sounds using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). Topics include anatomical mechanisms for producing speech, classification of vowels and consonants, suprasegmental features, and phonetic variations. Course will also include practice of broad and narrow transcription (normal and disordered speech) and steps for clinical speech sampling. F,S.
CSD 231. Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech and Hearing Mechanism. 4 Credits.
Introduction to the structure (anatomy) and function (physiology) of the systems and processes involved in speech production and hearing, especially the respiratory, phonatory, articulatory, and hearing systems. F.
CSD 232. Survey of Communication Disorders. 3 Credits.
Introduction to the professions of speech-language pathology and audiology with a focus on some speech, language, and hearing disorders. F,S.
CSD 235. Speech and Hearing Science. 4 Credits.
Principles of speech production, including source-filter theory and the acoustic analysis of vowels and consonants. Students will be introduced to the physics of sound (acoustics) and fundamentals of psychoacoustics related to human speech communication and hearing. Prerequisite: CSD 223, CSD 231, and MATH 103 or higher. S.
CSD 310. Understanding language-based reading difficulties. 3 Credits.
This course incorporates current reading research to provide a solid foundation for understanding the linguistic components of reading. Aspects of language comprehension (background knowledge, vocabulary, language structure, verbal reasoning, literacy knowledge) and word recognition (phonological awareness, decoding, sight recognition) will be explicitly taught. F.
CSD 311. Evaluating language-based reading difficulties. 3 Credits.
This course introduces students to evidence-based standardized and non-standardized methods to assess foundational reading skills. Students will practice assessing foundational skills and interpreting the results. Prerequisite: CSD 310. S.
CSD 312. Intervention for language-based reading difficulties. 3 Credits.
This course will provide an overview of evidence-based methods to teach students with dyslexia or language-based reading difficulties. Particular emphasis will be placed on systematic, multi-sensory phonological processing models. Prerequisite: CSD 310. F,SS.
CSD 333. Speech Sound Development and Disorders. 3 Credits.
This course provides knowledge and skills in the assessment and treatment of speech sound disorders. Specifically, the study of (1) foundational theories of normal developmental processes of articulation and phonology, (2) etiology and clinical presentation of various speech sound disorders, (3) evaluation of speech sound disorders including a review of phonetic transcription and an in-depth study of methods of assessment for differential diagnosis, and (4) differentiation of major approaches to intervention for speech sound disorders, including considerations for dialectical variables and for selected special populations. Prerequisite: CSD 223. S.
CSD 340. Normal Language Structure. 3 Credits.
The purpose of this course is to learn to analyze the grammar of English, focusing on morphology and syntax. The knowledge gained will serve as a foundation for analysis of normal and disordered language. Prerequisite: ENGL 209 or equivalent. S.
CSD 343. Language Development. 3 Credits.
The nature and development of linguistic content, form, and use from birth to adulthood are studied relative to the development of communication and speech; relative to cognitive, social, and physical development; and relative to cultural diversity. Corequisite: ENGL 209 and PSYC 250 or equivalents. F.
CSD 343L. Language Development Laboratory. 2 Credits.
Laboratory component of CSD 343. Students will practice collecting, transcribing, and analyzing language samples. Prerequisite or Corequisite: CSD 343. F.
CSD 400. School Programs in Speech-Language-Hearing. 3 Credits.
This course covers the educational model of service delivery and how the speech-language pathologist works collaboratively in a school setting to meet the needs of students with speech, language, and hearing disabilities. Prerequisite: CSD 333 and CSD 343. F.
CSD 422. Neuroanatomy of Communication Disorders. 3 Credits.
This course is an introduction to the structure and function of the human brain and spinal cord. It includes basic elements of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology necessary for understanding neural bases of speech, language, and hearing. Prerequisite: CSD 231. S.
CSD 425. Language, Multiculturalism and Communication Disorders. 3 Credits.
Study of world cultures and their interactions with speech, language, and hearing disorders as it applies to the practice of speech-language pathology. Prerequisite: CSD 223. Corequisite: CSD 440. F.
CSD 431. Introduction to Audiology. 3 Credits.
Survey of audiology, specifically diagnostics and hearing disorders. Introduction to scientific principles and methods of administering, interpreting, and integrating components of the basic audiologic test battery, including case history/otoscopy, pure-tone air-and-bone conduction testing, speech testing, and immittance measures. Students will gain practical experience in administering the comprehensive audiologic test battery. Prerequisite: CSD 231 and CSD 235. F.
CSD 434. Aural Rehabilitation. 3 Credits.
Theories, technologies, and procedures used to provide aural (re)habilitation to individuals with hearing disorders. Specifically, how clinicians improve speech, language, listening, and communication strategies of individuals with hearing disorders in various environments across their lifespan. Prerequisite: CSD 343 and CSD 431, or consent of instructor. S.
CSD 438. Craniofacial Anomalies. 3 Credits.
An introduction to medical genetics and craniofacial anomalies and syndromes, the etiology of these disorders, and the assessment and treatment of related feeding and communication disorders. Prerequisite: CSD 223, CSD 231 and CSD 333. S.
CSD 440. Language Disorders I. 3 Credits.
This course covers terminology, causes, and identification of developmental language disorders. The focus is to introduce students to language assessment tools and techniques used with children of all ages. Students will be asked to study in detail a variety of standardized and non-standardized measures. The course includes practice in administering, scoring, interpreting, and reporting results of various child language tests and measures discussed in class. Prerequisite: PSYC 241 and CSD 343. F.
CSD 441. Language Disorders II. 3 Credits.
This course introduces students to evidence-based language intervention tools and techniques used with children of all ages. It is a continuation course from Language Disorders I. This course will review the knowledge of assessment procedures used to analyze various communicative behaviors and apply that information to intervention planning and procedures. Prerequisite: CSD 440. S.
CSD 484. Clinical Practicum I: Speech-Language Pathology. 3 Credits.
An introduction to the clinical process and speech and language intervention. Includes supervised observation of clinical intervention. F.
CSD 485. Clinical Practicum II: Speech Language Pathology. 3 Credits.
Continuation of the content introduced in CSD 484 with increased emphasis on the clinical process and clinical skills. Includes supervised observation of direct clinical intervention. Prerequisite: CSD 484. S.
CSD 486. Field Experience in Speech-Language-Hearing. 1 Credit.
Provides undergraduate CSD students the opportunity to follow professional Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) and/or Audiologists working in the school, hospital, or clinical setting. Students are required to complete a minimum of 15 hours observing in assigned setting over the course of one semester. Observation experience allows students to get a real-world view of working in the CSD field and also provides an overview of what CSD professionals must know to meet needs of clients with communication & hearing disabilities. Repeatable to 3.00 credits. S/U grading. F,S,SS.
CSD 487. SLPA Practicum. 4 Credits.
The primary goal of the course is to provide the student with information and an opportunity for the process of obtaining 100 hours of clinical experience to work as a Speech-Language Pathology Assistant in the school or medical setting. Information will be provided on the certification process for the American Speech-Language and Hearing Association as an SLPA. Prerequisite: CSD 484 and CSD 485, the practicum sequence for undergraduate students; students will verify completion of 25 undergraduate guided observation hours. F,S,SS.
CSD 489. Senior Honors Thesis. 1-8 Credits.
Supervised independent study culminating in a thesis. Repeatable to 9 credits. Repeatable to 9.00 credits. F,S,SS.
CSD 497. Special Problems in Communication Disorders. 1-3 Credits.
An examination of special topics in Communication Disorders. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Repeatable. On demand.
CSD 501. Seminar in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology. 1-3 Credits.
A study of the application of current and emerging data in the area of clinical assessment and management of speech disorders, language disorders, or disorders of hearing, in children and adults with communication impairments. May be repeated as topics change. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Repeatable.
CSD 525. Introduction to Research in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology. 3 Credits.
Students will learn how research is produced in the fields of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology. They will learn the research process and develop a research proposal. Students will also learn about the fundamentals of evidence-based practice and how to be knowledgeable consumers of research literature. S.
CSD 530. Audiology for SLPs. 2-3 Credits.
Diagnosis and management of auditory disorders, including hearing screenings, diagnostic tests, audiogram interpretation, and hearing technologies as it relates to the profession of speech-language pathology. F.
CSD 532. Aphasia. 3 Credits.
The study of impairment in language communication due to brain damage in adults. It includes clinical management-assessment, diagnosis, and treatment. Related problems such as cognitive deficit are also covered. F.
CSD 533. Investigations in Child Language. 3 Credits.
Intervention approaches for treating language disorders in children with disabilities, such as developmental language disorder, autism spectrum disorder, social communication disorder and language disorder within culturally linguistic differences will be discussed. S.
CSD 534. Advanced Speech Sound Disorders. 3 Credits.
This course explores the nature, assessment, and treatment of pediatric speech sound disorders. Specific topics include differential diagnosis of children with articulatory or phonological disorders, childhood apraxia of speech and consideration of cross-linguistic effect on speech sound production. S.
CSD 536. Stuttering and related disorders. 2 Credits.
This course provides knowledge of the theoretical bases of stuttering, and the clinical management of stuttering in children and adults. Students will gain skills in the evaluation and differential diagnosis of fluency disorders. Students will learn about and practice major approaches to intervention for stuttering disorders. SS.
CSD 538. Voice Disorders. 3 Credits.
This course will cover anatomy and physiology of the voice, vocal acoustics, various laryngeal pathologies, and organic and functional voice disorders. It also includes clinical management techniques. Alaryngeal voice disorders are reviewed. S.
CSD 542. Augmentative and Alternative Communication. 3 Credits.
Assessment and intervention strategies for individuals who are preverbal, nonverbal, or present with complex communication needs will be investigated. A team approach will be emphasized, and a variety of augmentative and alternative communication systems will be explored. S.
CSD 550. Motor Speech Disorders. 2 Credits.
This course covers etiology, symptomatology, diagnosis, treatment, and management of the motor speech disorders of dysarthria and apraxia of speech. Students will identify and describe degenerative diseases and medical conditions that result in acquired motor speech disorders. Childhood apraxia of speech is also covered in this course. SS.
CSD 551. Dysphagia. 3 Credits.
This course provides an overview of normal swallowing from birth to the aging adult. It will also focus on assessment, management, and treatment of individuals with a variety of swallowing disorders. Students will complete MBSImP, a standardized approach to interpreting Video Fluoroscopic Swallow Studies (VFSS). F.
CSD 572. Right Hemisphere Damage. 3 Credits.
The study of the syndromes that accompany right hemisphere damage. It includes cognitive and communicative deficits, their assessment, diagnosis, and treatment. Prerequisite: CSD 532. F.
CSD 580. Interprofessional Health Care. 1 Credit.
The purpose of the course is to learn to work effectively in an interdisciplinary health care team, using a shared patientcentered approach. Students work with other team members from physical therapy, nursing, occupational therapy, medicine, social work, clinical lab science, and dietetics. Case studies using problem-based learning techniques are the primary teaching strategy. S/U grading.
CSD 583. Evaluation and Service Delivery. 3 Credits.
The study of (1) evaluation in speech-language pathology including interviewing, administering, and interpreting diagnostic assessments, and differential diagnosis; and (2) the principles of service delivery, including collaboration, supervision, client counseling, and management of services. Students will identify and acknowledge cultural and linguistic variables that impact evaluation approaches and service delivery. F.
CSD 584. Advanced Clinical Practicum. 1-16 Credits.
Provision of clinical services to individuals with communication disorders under the supervision of an ASHA certified supervisor. Placement will be the UND Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic or a departmentally-approved external site. Repeatable. F,S,SS.
CSD 585. Externship. 1-16 Credits.
Supervised practicum in a University-approved cooperating school or medical setting. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of department. Repeatable to 16.00 credits. F,S.
CSD 597. Special Problems in Communication Disorders. 1-3 Credits.
An examination of special topics in communication disorders. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Repeatable.
CSD 996. Continuing Enrollment. 1-12 Credits.
Repeatable. S/U grading.
CSD 997. Independent Study. 2 Credits.
CSD 998. Thesis. 1-9 Credits.
Repeatable to 9.00 credits.
CSD 999. Dissertation. 1-12 Credits.
Repeatable to 18.00 credits.