Academic advising focuses attention on making progress toward meeting UND's graduation requirements.
Academic Advisors
Professional Academic Advisors are here to answer questions, help you solve problems, and support you every step of the way on your educational journey. All undergraduate students have an academic advisor assigned through their academic department. Before registering for classes, make an appointment to talk through your plans with your academic advisor.
Faculty Mentors
Faculty mentors, experts in their field, are available to help mentor you in pursuing your intellectual interests, identifying opportunities in internships and research, and navigating subfields within the academic discipline. For further information about when to talk with your professional advisor and when to contact your faculty mentor, please see FAQs below.
A&S Student Academic Advisors
- 701.330.9434
McCannel Hall Room 280
Grand Forks ND 58202-7143
- 701.335.3044
McCannel Hall Room 280
Grand Forks ND 58202-7143
- 701.317.6170
McCannel Hall Room 280
Grand Forks ND 58202-7143
- 701.777.3321
Chester Fritz Library
Grand Forks ND 58202-9000
- 701.317.6354
McCannel Hall Room 280
Grand Forks ND 58202-7143
- 701.335.9131
McCannel Hall Room 280
Grand Forks ND 58202-7143
- 701.335.3150
McCannel Hall Room 280
Grand Forks ND 58202-7143
- 701.335.9105
McCannel Hall Room 280
Grand Forks ND 58202-7143
- 701.777.2315
Columbia Hall Room 1142
Grand Forks ND 58202-8040
Scheduling Academic Advising Tailored for You
Academic Advising for Prospective Students
Prospective students should contact UND Admissions at 701.777.4463 to schedule an appointment with one of our advisors.
Academic Advising for Current Students
Current students use Hawk Central to reserve a time online with your academic advisor.
How to schedule an appointment in Hawk Central
Academic Advising for Pre-Health Students
Interested in Pre-Health? Find out more about the path you should take through our Pre-Health Academic Advising information.
Advising Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
In Campus Connection, your academic advisor is listed on the right side of your “Student Center” page.
Your academic advisor is listed under Connect on your Hawk Central dashboard. Click "Contact My Advisors" to view your advisor's contact information.
If an academic advisor is not listed, please contact the College of Arts & Sciences Advising Office at
Because getting the help and support you need is so important to your success at UND, every student is assigned an advisor who specializes in advising students, known as a “professional” or “academic” advisor. Departments also assign faculty mentors to their majors because they are specialists in that academic field. Faculty (another word for professors) advise students but also teach classes and engage in scholarship and service to the university. If you have a second major, you will be assigned a professional support advisor and a faculty mentor in that major as well.
Faculty mentors will be listed under a particular department’s web page as “faculty.” You can also tell by searching the online UND Faculty and Staff Directory. When you enter the advisor’s name, a professional advisor’s title will include “advisor” whereas a faculty mentor's title will include “professor” or "instructor." A few departments have faculty who also serve as the professional advisor for that area.
Any advisor is ready to help, but certain types of questions and issues may be better suited to either your professional advisor or faculty mentor.
Professional Advisors
Professional advisors are experts in academic advising who can help you with:
- Selecting classes in your major
- The department's curriculum, timing or sequencing, and offerings
- Academic planning and registration
- UND technologies, processes, and policies
- Forms, petitions, permissions, approvals, and substitutions
- Dates and deadlines
- Anything that you need to get done quickly
- Academic Warning
- Exploring different majors
- Changing majors
- Second majors, minor(s), and certificate(s)
- GPA, credit, and transcript questions
- Degree progress and graduation requirements
- Essential Studies requirements and appeals
- Campus support services
- Referrals to resources and offices
Faculty Mentors
Faculty mentors are experts in their academic fields who can help you with:
- Ways to pursue your intellectual interests
- Selecting classes in your major
- Areas within the academic discipline (such as subfields, scholarly specializations, tracks)
- The department’s curriculum, timing or sequencing, and offerings
- Departmental roles and faculty backgrounds
- Faculty areas of interest and expertise
- Complementary coursework or credentials in other fields
- Specialized opportunities like research or internships
- Student groups or events
- Alumni networking
- Applications, recommendations, personal statements
- Graduate school
- Career planning and development
Campus Connection and the UND Faculty and Staff Directory will both provide you with your advisor’s office phone and email address (in Campus Connection, click on the advisor’s name).
You can also call the Student Academic Success & Career Engagement Office at 701.777.2117 to contact a professional advisor. To contact a faculty mentor, call the main office of the academic department or send an email to your faculty mentor.
Professional Advisor
Use Hawk Central to schedule an appointment with your professional advisor, or call the Student Academic Success & Career Engagement Office at 701.777.2117. If you click on the advisor’s name in the online Faculty and Staff Directory, the advisor’s contact and office information will be displayed. Most professional advisors in the College of Arts & Sciences have offices in McCannel Hall.
Faculty Mentor
You may not be able to use Hawk Central to schedule an appointment with your faculty mentor. Call the main office of the department to learn the professor’s office hours, or contact the professor directly. If you click on the faculty member’s name in the online Faculty and Staff Directory, the professor’s email and office phone as well as the department phone will be displayed along with the professor’s office, which will depend on the department’s location on campus.
When you declare a major, you will automatically be assigned the professional advisor for that major. Professional advisors work with all of the students in one or more particular major(s) based on the advisor’s area(s) of responsibility.
Departments may vary in how they assign faculty mentors, but in general students majoring in that area are divided up and assigned across the faculty of the department. In other words, the professional advisor of every student in a given major will be the same, but the faculty mentor may vary between different students with the same major.
If you change majors, your primary advisor will change unless your primary advisor happens to be responsible for both your old and new departments. Your faculty mentor will also change because professors only advise students in their departments. If you add a second major, you will be assigned a support advisor and faculty mentor whom you should consult for help with that major.
Your professional advisor will not change unless you change majors. You may choose a different faculty mentor through the College of Arts & Sciences Advising Office at
Students often select a faculty mentor based on their experience with a professor in coursework or on that professor’s area of academic specialization.
Your professional advisor can either answer your questions or direct you to the right person. You can also contact the professional advisor assigned to the department that offers the minor or the certificate, or contact that department by calling the department’s main office or contacting the department Chairperson (listed on the department’s web page).
- Yvette Koepke is the College of Arts & Sciences Associate Dean for Academic Success.
- Each College has an Academic Core Advisor (ACA), who helps to coordinate advising across Colleges. Jake Vivier is the ACA for the College of Arts & Sciences.
- The College of Arts & Sciences has a Lead Advisor, Kayla Hotvedt, with broad knowledge of different majors and policies and procedures.