Academic Appeal
College of Arts & Sciences Academic Appeal/Grievance Procedures
Purpose & Scope
This procedure applies to any “complaint, resentment, or accusation lodged by a student about an academic circumstance (such as assessment, grading, testing, quality of instruction) which is thought by the student to be unfair” (UND Code of Student Life, VIII.B.1.a) and follows the process laid out in the Code of Student Life VIII.B.1.
For undergraduates, this procedure applies to an academic concern involving instructors, staff, or students in the College of A&S, regardless of a student’s major or College. For graduate students, the “Graduate Committee hears grievances brought by graduate students seeking redress on academic decisions made by the Graduate Dean” (UND Catalog, Graduate Academic Information). All other graduate academic concerns involving faculty, staff, or students in the College of A&S follow the College of A&S procedure.
First Steps
The first step in addressing an academic concern is presenting the issue to the individual involved, such as the course instructor. An informal process seeking resolution by working with the individual involved, often along with the Associate Dean for Academic Success and the department Chair (and the department Director of Graduate Studies, if brought by a graduate student), typically precedes a formal appeal/grievance.
Students with an academic concern are encouraged to discuss the issue with the Associate Dean for Academic Success in the College at any point. The Associate Dean can help seek informal resolution, provide guidance regarding the process and UND policies, and make referrals to other offices, people, and procedures that may be useful or pertinent.
Formal Process
If the concern is not resolved informally, the student may follow the steps enumerated below to pursue a formal appeal/grievance. When submitting a written statement to the person with whom the individual has the grievance, as described below, the student should simultaneously notify the Department Chair (and Director of Graduate Studies, if brought by a graduate student) and the Associate Dean for Academic Success of the intent to pursue the appeal/grievance. A formal appeal/grievance must be initiated within one calendar year of the event, such as the recording of the course grade. Evaluations smaller than a final class grade cannot be appealed directly; in other words, an exam or assignment could not be appealed in itself alone, but as part of an appeal of the course grade.
Written Statement
A written statement forms the basis of a formal appeal/grievance. That statement should:
- Describe the event(s) on which the appeal/grievance is based with as much specificity as possible (dates, quotations) and explain the impact of the event(s).
- Identify any relevant UND policies or procedures that provide grounds for the appeal/grievance, with reference to course/department/College guidelines or UND policies such as the Code of Student Life.
- Identify the specific remedy or outcome sought.
- Refer to any documentation or supplementary materials provided as support, which should be added as appendices. Such materials might include things like course materials (syllabus, assignments), emails, or records.
Appeal/Grievance Steps
A formal appeal/grievance follows these steps:
- Notify the department Chair and the Associate Dean for Academic Success (and the department Director of Graduate Studies, if a graduate student) of the intent to pursue a formal academic appeal/grievance and summarize the issue.
- Share the written statement of appeal/grievance (as described above) with the person with whom the grievance is held. This must occur within one year of the event. After that person has reviewed the statement, discuss the situation with that person to seek a resolution.
- If no resolution occurs, the appeal/grievance statement should be shared with the
department Chair. If the matter falls outside the department, or if the grievance
is with the department Chair, the appeal/grievance should be brought to the Associate
Dean for Academic Success, or if the grievance is with the Associate Dean, to the
- The Chair will gather a response statement and supporting materials from all involved.
- As needed, the Chair will convene a department appeals committee. That committee may be a standing committee or an ad hoc committee formed for the appeal/grievance, but chairs should be prepared to deal with grievances, should they arise. When department size allows, the committee should normally be composed of three faculty members in the department not including anyone directly involved in the appeal/grievance.
- That committee will review the appeal/grievance in a closed process and make a finding to uphold or deny the appeal/grievance within a reasonable length of time. A copy of the finding will be sent to the parties involved and to the Associate Dean.
- Any party directly involved has the right to appeal a departmental decision to the College. The Associate Dean for Academic Success convenes the College of A&S Student Appeals Committee and gathers all pertinent materials. That committee reviews the materials provided by all those involved in the appeal/grievance in a closed deliberative process and make a finding to uphold or deny the appeal/grievance within a reasonable length of time, which may be affected by campus breaks including summer. A report of the finding will be sent to the parties involved and to the Dean.
- If no acceptable resolution occurs, the student may submit the appeal/grievance to the University Student Academic Standards Committee as described in the Code of Student Life. This is the final level of appeal.
College of Arts & Sciences Student Appeals Committee
Responsibility and Authority
- The responsibility of the Arts and Sciences Committee on Student Appeals is to speak for the College in matters concerning academic grievances, appeals of administrative procedures, or other appeals of College regulations or requirements, which do not fall under the jurisdiction of another committee.
- Appeals may be initiated by students after all departmental channels of appeal have been explored or referred to the committee by faculty or administrative officials.
- The committee shall have the authority to change a disputed grade.
- The committee shall have the authority to submit suspected policy violations to the proper authority.
- The Student Academic Appeals Committee resolves all academic grievances not resolved at the department/program level in accordance with college policy. The Committee will be composed of seven faculty members elected from across the college with the stipulation that no more than one faculty member from any given department can serve on the committee in any given year.
- Two students (one graduate, one undergraduate) will be nominated and elected by faculty members of the Student Academic Appeals Committee to serve in an advisory role for a 1-year term. Upon agreement to serve on the committee, students must ensure they have completed FERPA privacy training.
- The committee shall have a quorum of five.
- Decisions will be made by a simple majority.
- The committee will meet monthly unless there are no matters to be considered. The committee can also be convened for pressing matters.
- The committee will not consider grade appeals more than one calendar year following the recording of the grade with the registrar.
- Each party in the disputed matter must accept the outcome of the appeals procedure except as noted in 9 and 11 below.
- The committee requires that each party submit a written statement in advance. They may also appear in person before the committee at the discretion of the committee.
- In cases where there is strong presumptive reason for believing that the procedures of the Appeals Committee have been inadequate, arbitrary, incomplete, or otherwise inappropriate, either party may so inform the Dean or the Academic Vice President in writing, and request establishment of a special committee to review the alleged defects in the procedures of the Appeals Committee.
- All interested parties will be notified in writing of the decision of the committee.
- All procedures referred to above are academic processes. In accordance with the UND policy on Academic Grievances as printed in the Code of Student Life, any party has the right to appeal to the University Student Academic Standards Committee.
Approved by the College of Arts & Sciences College Council on December 12, 2024.
- 701.777.4382
Columbia Hall Room 1914
Grand Forks ND 58202-8038