Undergraduate Research/Creative Activity Fund
In alignment with the College of Arts & Sciences Strategic Plan, faculty and their undergraduate students are encouraged to apply for funds to support scholarly or creative projects.
The goal of the Arts & Sciences Undergraduate Research/Creative Activity (R/CA) Fund is to provide undergraduate students with research and creative activity experiences that enhance their learning.
Prospective participants from any College of Arts & Sciences department, are invited to submit proposals, including detailed budgets, for work during the Spring and/or Summer terms.
The proposed work may include:
- Data collection and analysis
- Journal article development
- Student travel associated with presentations at conferences
- Performances
- Productions
- Workshops
- Research activities
- Other professional development experiences
Proposals that clearly align with the college and university strategic initiatives are strongly encouraged and given preference in funding decisions.
The maximum individual award is $6,000.
Application Deadline
The deadline to apply is October 28, 2024
Applicant Eligibility
- Applicants must include at least one undergraduate student and one faculty.
- Undergraduate student salaries must be a significant portion of the proposed budget. Hourly pay must be a minimum of $16.
- Any full-time faculty (including those on special appointment) in any College of Arts & Sciences department or program may apply as long as research or creative activity is required under their UND contract and they will complete the proposed work while employed at UND.
- The undergraduate student must be pursuing a major within Arts & Sciences or be working closely with a faculty research advisor in Arts & Sciences. Graduate students can be involved, but their direct financial support cannot be included.
- Departments and programs can submit multiple proposals. If more than one proposal is submitted, the department chair/program director is required to rank the proposals and to justify their rankings in writing when the proposals are submitted to the College.
- While consideration will be given to faculty who have previously received an award; priority may be given to faculty who have not.
- Faculty who have previously received an award but have not submitted a final report are ineligible to receive a new award.
Proposal Eligibility
- Proposals must focus on research or creative activity involving undergraduate and Arts & Sciences faculty collaboration.
- The undergraduate(s) must be actively involved in the proposed research/creative activity. Proposals in which students play a central role have funding priority.
- Requests for undergraduate travel are permitted if the travel is associated with conducting the research/creative activity. Proposals requesting conference travel funds only are allowed, but have lower funding priority.
- Proposed budgets should not exceed $6,000. Applicants are encouraged to seek a match from departmental or program funds if appropriate. Fund matches must be noted on the submitted budget worksheet.
- Proposals that fail to follow the guidelines outlined on this page will be denied.
- Faculty and students who accept funds agree to have their projects communicated via social and other media and to write a thank you letter to donors who provide gifts to support undergraduate research and creative activities. Please work the College of Arts & Sciences Dean's office to disseminate information about your project.
Application Preparation
Cover Sheet
- Project title
- Investigator name(s), affiliation(s), and faculty rank(s)
- Original copies of faculty and department chair or program director signature(s)
A brief (250 words or less) non-technical description of the research/creative activity to be performed and the expected outcomes.
Project Narrative (maximum three pages)
In 1,500 words or less, describe:
- The nature of the project.
- The impact that the research/creative activity will have on the student.
- The roles to be played by the student and faculty advisor.
- The need for the funding.
- If applicable, explain how it aligns with strategic initiatives.
- Describe the proposed research/creative activity, and include some brief background on the topic, specific objectives, and proposed methods.
*If you plan to use a portion of the funds to pay a student as irregular help and they have not already worked in a paid position with you, please do not identify a particular student in your proposal. In such cases, faculty who receive Arts & Sciences Undergraduate Research & Creative Activity funds will be required to post an advertisement for student irregular help so that all undergraduate students have an opportunity to apply. (Note: The students will need to apply for the position and be chosen through an objective interview process). If you are already employing the student and/or you are requesting funds to support student travel, this process is not required and you can identify a student.
Budget and Budget Justification (maximum two pages)
- The budget must be broken down into individual line items with each item justified. For additional instructions, please refer to: Budget Guidelines for Research Initiatives.
- The following are unallowable budget items:
- Travel to attend conferences
- Enhancing campus physical infrastructure
- Funding studies already completed
- The following are allowable budget items:
- Release time from teaching (see additional conditions below)
- Summer salary
- Travel to conduct scholarly activity other than attending conferences
- Purchase of supplies/research materials and/or research equipment
- Support for Graduate Research Assistant(s) and/or undergraduate assistants
- Employing technical assistance
- Software purchases
- Paying for promotional materials and services
- Bringing guest speakers and/or consultants to campus
- Funding public outreach events
- Paying for content access fees
- Covering subscription fees for research networks
- Leasing off-campus space for research/creative activity
- Applicants must work with their department administrative assistant before final submission of proposal to ensure budget guidelines are followed. Failure to do so may result in proposal being returned for correction and/or adjustment to budget line items.
Project Bibliography
The bibliography should consist of primary and secondary sources that relate directly to the project. It is usually advisable to include works that pertain to both the project's substance and its theoretical or methodological approaches. Titles cited in the application narrative do not have to be included in the bibliography. Reviewers often use the bibliography to evaluate your preparation in the subject area and your approach to the topic.
Abbreviated Curriculum Vitae (maximum two pages)
The CV should include education, employment history, and most relevant citations (e.g., publications, presentations, performances, juried exhibitions).
Award Selection Criteria
Members of the Resources & Infrastructure Committee within the College of Arts & Sciences will review and score proposals and make recommendations to the Dean, who will award funding.
Reviewers will be asked to evaluate and rank applications according to the following criteria:
- Quality of the proposed research/creative activity.
- Significance of the role for the undergraduate student(s).
- Type of involvement by the undergraduate student(s) (e.g., production of the research/creative activity vs. conference travel).
- Impact of award monies on the project (i.e., will the monies contribute significantly to the project’s successful completion?). Note that an award that is less than the requested amount can be recommended by the committee.
- Adherence to the proposal guidelines outlined on this page.
Follow-Up Requirements
A project report must be submitted to the College of Arts & Sciences Dean’s office within two months of the close of the program/project. The report should clearly summarize the activities funded by the Arts & Sciences Undergraduate Research & Creative Activity Fund monies. Faculty not completing a final report on time are ineligible for future funding.
- October 28, 2024: Proposals are due to the College of Arts & Sciences Dean’s office in MS Word or PDF format. Please submit to the Dean's office via email at: UND.artssci@UND.edu. In the email subject line, please type “UG R/CA Fund.” Members of the Resources & Infrastructure Committee will review and score the proposals and make recommendations to the Dean. The final decision on awards are made by the Dean.
- November 29, 2024: Anticipated announcement date for the awards.
- January 1, 2025: Start of award period.
- August 15, 2025: All award monies must be spent.
- December 31, 2025: Final reports are due to the College of Arts & Sciences Dean’s office. Please submit the reports in MS Word format to the Dean's office via email: UND.artssci@UND.edu.

- mark.hoffmann@UND.edu
- 701.777.2742
Abbott Hall Room 324
Grand Forks ND 58202-9024