Itterman Faculty Professional Development
The award is for a faculty member demonstrating excellence in teaching, research, and service within the College of Arts & Sciences.
Department Chairs and Program Directors are invited to nominate a faculty member for the Itterman Faculty Professional Development Award.
- Deadline for nominations is March 10, 2025
- The maximum award will be $4,000
- The award period is July 1, 2025 - June 30, 2026
Any full-time faculty — including those on special appointment — in any College of Arts & Sciences department or program are eligible.
Application Preparation
- Department Chairs and Program Directors are invited to nominate a faculty member for the Itterman Faculty Professional Development Award.
- Letters of nomination should be no longer than two pages and include a description of how the faculty member is an exemplary educator while also maintaining excellence in their research and service activities. If necessary, you may be asked for additional information at a later date. Chairs/Directors are welcome to include faculty in the nomination process if they choose.
- Please limit your submission to one nomination per department/program.
Award Selection Criteria
The College of Arts & Sciences Executive Committee will be asked to rank the nominations and make a recommendation to the Dean who will award funding for one or more proposals.
Award Requirements
- The awardee will be asked to work with the College of Arts & Sciences Dean's office staff to send a letter of appreciation to the sponsors of the award.
- Funds are provided to support professional development at the discretion of the awardee. If a research project is supported by the award, then the Itterman Faculty Professional Development award should be acknowledged in resulting presentations, publications, exhibits, performances, etc.
- UND policies and procedures must be followed for expenditure of funds including purchases, reimbursements, payroll appointments and hiring processes. Please note that according to UND policy, anything purchased with UND funds is the property of UND.
- March10, 2025: Nominations are due to the A&S Dean’s Office in MS Word or PDF format. Please submit via email to In the email subject line, please type “Itterman Faculty Professional Development Award.”
- April 21, 2025: Award announced.
- July 1, 2025: Award payout to recipient.
- June 30, 2026: All award monies must be spent.
- August 31, 2026: Final report due to the College of Arts & Sciences Dean's office. Please submit the report in MS Word format via email to

Chester Fritz Distinguished Professor
- 701.777.4247
Gillette Hall Room 202
Grand Forks ND 58202-7136