Standing Committees
Committee membership for the 2024-25 Academic Year
Executive Committee
A seat on this committee does not affect the ability to serve on standing committees. All members are elected annually to this committee.
- Lori Robison, English (Humanities)
- Alena Kubatova, Chemistry (Math & Science)
- Scott Sandberg, Music (Fine Arts)
- Soojung Kim, Communication (Social Sciences)
- Lucian Stone, Philosophy & Ethics – At-Large Representative
Curriculum Committee
- Lucian Stone, Philosophy & Ethics '25
- Gregory Vandeberg, Geography & GIS '25
- Adam Kitzes, English '26
- Carla Steen, Communication Sciences & Disorders '26
- Amanda Nagy, Languages ‘27
- Jeffrey Carmichael, Biology ‘27
- Michael Iiams, Mathematics & Statistics, '27
Student Academic Appeals Committee
- Rebecca Simmons, Biology ‘25
- Jeremiah Bartz, Mathematics '25
- Douglas Munski, Geography & GIS '25
- Elizabeth Scharf, Anthropology '25
- Wendelin Hume, Criminal Justice '26
- Amebu Seddoh, Communication Sciences & Disorders '26
- Jessica Zerr, English '26
Scholarships Committee
- Nicole Derenne, Art & Design ‘25 – At-Large Representative
- Marc Gandarillas, Languages (Humanities) '26
- Whitney Mayo, Music (Fine Arts) '26
- Ashley Fansher, Criminal Justice Studies (Social Sciences) '27
- Vasyl Tkach, Biology (Math & Science) '27
Resources & Infrastructure Committee
- Eric Wolfe, English (Humanities) '25
- David Pierce, Chemistry (Math & Science) '26
- Elizabeth Legerski, Sociology (Social Sciences) '26
- Lavinia Iancu, Criminal Justice '26 - At-Large Representative
- Justin Montigne, Music (Fine Arts) '27
Tenure, Reappointment & Promotions Committee
- Richard Millspaugh, Mathematics (Math & Science) '25
- Kimberly Donehower-Weinstein, English (Humanities) '25
- Julia Zhao, Chemistry '25 – At-Large Representative
- Manu, Biology (Math & Science) '26
- Brad Reissig, Theatre Arts (Fine Arts) '26
- Enru Wang, Geography & GIS (Social Sciences) '26
- William Caraher, History (Humanities) ’27
- Joelle Ruthig, Psychology (Social Sciences) ‘27
- Anne Christopherson, Music (Fine Arts) '27
Inclusion Ambassadors
- Nikki Berg-Burin, History & AIS (Humanities)
- Jon Maskaly, Criminal Justice (Social Sciences)
- Justin Montigne, Music (Fine Arts)
- Rebecca Simmons, Biology (Math & Science)