Kubatova's Research Group
This research group focuses on speciation of complex mixtures to provide understanding of the mechanism of particular species’ formation, or their impact, or fate within specific materials/matrices.
To achieve this objective we develop analytical separation methods, typically with mass spectrometric detection. The areas of interest target understanding of the environment and renewable green technologies.
Our goal is to pursue such investigations using a top-to-bottom approach that is to determine the overall sample composition while developing and employing faster screening methods. This approach enables quantitative mass balance closure and determination of the role of individual species within a specific matrix. The methods used in our laboratory include liquid (LC) and gas chromatography (GC) with mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and other detectors. Most recently, we are also starting to use gel permeation chromatography for characterization of high molecular weight materials. In mass spectrometry, using our Time-of-Flight MS, we can conduct accurate mass measurements (typically up to two decimals or 10 ppm). An important aspect of our work is the development of preparation methods allowing for more effective approaches to comprehensive characterization.
The specific areas of research include:
- Biomass utilization and sustainable use; replacement of petrochemicals with renewable materials (lately being focused on the application to lignin)
- Atmospheric chemistry, especially detailed speciation of organics within particulate matter
- Characterization of biologically active species (relevant to industrial or medical applications)
- The fate of environmental pollutants
- LaVallie, A.L.; Bilek, H.; Andrianova, A.; Furey, K.; Voeller, K. Yao, B., Kozliak, E.; Kubátová, A. Quantitative insights on de/repolymerization and deoxygenation of lignin in subcritical water. Technol. 2021 342:125974. doi: 10.1016/j.biortech.2021.125974.
- Nespor, B., Cochran, R., Jeong, H., Bowman, F., Delene, D., Kozliak, E., Kubatova, A. Occurrence of Nonvolatile and Volatile Carbonaceous Air Particulate Tracers Using Thermal Desorption-Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. Atm. Environ. 2021, 246, 118058, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2020.118058
- Sasi, P. C., Alinezhad, A., Yao, B., Kubatova, A., Golovko, S. A., Golovko, M., Xiao, F. Effect of granular activated carbon and other porous materials on thermal decomposition of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances: Mechanisms and implications for water purification. Water Res., 2021, 200, 117271. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2021.117271
- Seames, W., Fegade, S., Sakodynskaya, I., Muggli, D., Tande, B., Kubatova, A., Kozliak, E. Aromatization of Propene via Nano-size HZSM-5. AM. J. Appl. Chem. 2018, 6 (5), 175-188 https://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/article/10.11648/ajac.20180605.13
- Flanagan, G., Andrianova, A.A., Casey, J., Hellrung, E., Diep, B.A., Seames, W.S.,
Kubátová, A. Simultaneous High-Temperature Gas Chromatography with Flame Ionization
and Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Monocarboxylic Acids and Acylglycerols in Biofuels
and Biofuel Intermediate Products, Chromatogr., A 2018 1584 (11), 165-178
Simultaneous high-temperature gas chromatography with flame ionization and mass spectrometric analysis - Amsley-Benzie, S. ;Fegade, S.; Tande, B. Kubatova, A.; Kozliak, E.; Seames, W. An
Initial Study of the Catalytic Reforming of Crop Oil-Derived 1-Alkenes with HZSM-5
to Aromatic Hydrocarbons. Am. Oil Chem. Soc., 2018 95(9):1201-1211.
An Initial Study of the Catalytic Reforming of Crop Oil‐Derived 1‐Alkenes with HZSM‐5 - Brinchmann, B. C.; Skuland, T.; Rambol, M. H.; Szoke, K.; Brinchmann, J. E.; Gutleb,
A. C.; Moschini, E.; Kubatova, A.; Kukowski, K.; Le Ferrec, E.; Lagadic-Gossmann,
D.; Schwarze, P. E.; Lag, M.; Refsnes, M.; Ovrevik, J.; Holme, J. A., Lipophilic components
of diesel exhaust particles induce pro-inflammatory responses in human endothelial
cells through AhR dependent pathway(s). Fibre Toxicol. 2018, 15 (21), 1-17.
Lipophilic components of diesel exhaust particles induce pro-inflammatory responses in human cells - Brinchmann, B.; Le Ferrec, E.; Podechard, N.; Lagadic-Gossmann, D.; Shoji, K.; Penna, A.; Kukowski, K.; Kubátová, A.; Holme, J.; Øvrevik, J., Lipophilic Chemicals from Diesel Exhaust Particles Trigger Calcium Response in Human Endothelial Cells via Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Non-Genomic Signaling. International J. Mol. Sci. 2018, 19 (5), 1429. doi:10.3390/ijms19051429
- Kukowski, K., Hatton, J., Kozliak, E., Kubatova, A. The extent of tebuconazole leaching
from unpainted and painted softwood. Total Environ, 2018 633, 1379-1385.
The extent of tebuconazole leaching from unpainted and painted softwood - Alhroub, I., Kozliak, E., Kubatova, A., Sulkes, M. (2018). PAH/Aromatic tar and coke precursor formation in the early stages of triglyceride (triolein) pyrolysis. Phys. Chem. A . 2018, 122(12), 3238-3249. doi: 10.1021/acs.jpca.7b11340. Epub 2018 Mar 14
- Andrianova, A., Di Prospero, T., Geib, C., Smoliakova, I., Kozliak, E., Kubatova,
A. Electrospray ionization with high-resolution mass spectrometry as a tool for lignomics:
Lignin mass spectrum deconvolution. Am. S. Mass Spectrom, 2018 29(5), 1044-1059.
Electrospray Ionization with High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry as a Tool for Lignomics - Andrianova, A., Yeudakimenka, N., Lilak, S., Kozliak, E., Ugrinov, A., Sibi, M., Kubatova,
A.. Size exclusion chromatography of lignin: The mechanistic aspects and elimination
of undesired secondary interactions. Chromatogr. A, 2017, 1534, 101-110.
Size exclusion chromatography of lignin - Brzonova, I., Ji, Y., Kozliak, E., Andrianova, A. A., LaVallie, A., Kubatova, A. Production of lignin based insoluble polymers (anionic hydrogels) by C. versicolor. Scien. Rep. 2017. 7(1), 17507. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-17696-1
- Voeller, K., Bilek, H., Kreft, J., Dostalkova, A., Kozliak, E., Kubatova, A. Thermal carbon analysis enabling comprehensive characterization of lignin and its degradation products. ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. 2017, 5, 1110334-10341 DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.7b02392
- Rousová, J.; Chintapalli, M.R.; Lindahl, A.: Casey, A; Kubátová, A. Simultaneous determination of trace concentrations of aldehydes and carboxylic acids in particulate matter. J. Chromatogr A, 2018, 1544, 49-61. Simultaneous determination of trace concentrations of aldehydes and carboxylic acids in particulate matter
For a complete list, see Publications through ORCID.