Apply to Professional School
Test Preparation, Application, and Interview
Resources to download or print to help you gear up for some of the major milestones on your path to health professional school including the entrance exam, application, and admissions interview.
Test Preparation
This sample plan is outlined for an early June test date. Adjust as needed for your exam date. On average, students spend about 3 hours/day over the course of about 3-6 months preparing for their test, and take 3 to 10 full-length practice tests prior to the actual exam. More important than the number of practice tests you take is that you simulate test day by taking the exam in the allotted timeframe and that you carefully review of each completed practice exams. Building up your test-taking endurance and learning from your mistakes will help you be successful. Remember that this is just an example to help provide you with some guidance; use your best judgement and customize this plan in a way that works for you.
Exam Study Plan/Schedule Template
Materials and Timeline
Application Process
- Instructions for Letters of Recommendation Seekers and Authors
- WICHE (Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education)
- Students whose home state of residency does not have a health professional school may enroll in participating health professional programs in another state through WICHE's Professional Student Exchange Program (PSEP) and receive tuition support. NDUS has additional information on Student Exchange and Reciprocity Programs, including PSEP, as well as how to apply.
Interview Preparation
- UND's Career Services offers tools and resources to help you prepare for your interview, including 1:1 mock interviews with a Career Services staff member.
- Possible Interview Topics and Questions from Admission Committees was originally produced by the UND SMHS, this handout has questions on it that most Admission Committees from most health professional schools will ask applicants during interviews.
- 35 Questions I wish I had asked during my interview was published by AAMC. These questions can certainly be used by any Pre-Health student trying to decide where to attend graduate school.